Henry and his new Race Car..

Henry and his new Race Car..
Early 2009

Monday, August 8, 2011

Front End Goodies!

Over time I had replaced a few of the steering bits, and the strut bearings.  But the rubber in the suspension hadn't been touched, and boy was it due!  Take a look!

The car had been a daily driver in a past life, so bits were replaced as needed I suppose.  You can see it was a bit of a mixed bag.

So I got down a dirty and replaced these with parts from my dood Steve aka Blunt.

Removing the compliance bushings is a breeze.  I lower the front of the sub frame by loosening the six bolts so it dips down in the front an inch or so.  Then just stick a 12" socket extension in the sleeve and push down..  out they come!  
Reinstalling is a bit trickier.  I used two coil brackets and some left over all thread/washers from the rear end work and it was a painless event.

In the end, the difference was actually quite amazing.