Henry and his new Race Car..

Henry and his new Race Car..
Early 2009

Monday, June 28, 2010

3-29-09 Eibach Lowering Springs.

Well, thanks to some wheelin' -N- dealin' with Brad T, some Eibachs came in the mail this week!  Yesterday was "Stop, Drop, and Roll" day for myself, my friend Mike, and my son Henry.


Yeah.. He's 2.

A before picture, for reference..


If you have replacement bolt in ball joints, this is the way to go.
3 Strut bearing bolts under the hood, the strut nut, 3 ball joint bolts, Steering linkage, 2 caliper bolts, and 1 bolt brake line support and its on the ground.



I forgot pics.. but in the back, I initially removed the bottom pad and used tubing, but I didn't like the look, too low compared tot he front..  So we popped the bottom pad back in.  The front has very thin pads, and I wish I could have gotten 1/2 more drop there.  But over all, its better than before!
